סּסּ cells סּ extracellular matrix סּ eukaryotic סּ cytoplasm סּ ribosomes סּ plant cell סּ prokaryotic סּ
סּסּ adhesion סּ adhesion ~ adhesion molecules ~ cadherins סּ catenins סּ cytoskeleton סּ desmosomes ~ immunoglobulins ~ integrins סּ microtubules ~ selectins סּ
סּסּ membranes סּ cell membranes סּ ion channels סּ plasma membrane סּ
סּסּ nucleus סּ lamins סּ nuclear membrane סּ nuclear pore סּ nucleolus סּ nucleus סּ
סּסּ organelles סּ centrioles סּ chloroplasts סּ cilia סּ endoplasmic reticulum סּ Golgi apparatus סּ mitochondrion סּ plastids סּ ribosomes סּ
סּסּ skeleton סּ actin סּ cadherins סּ catenins סּ cytoskeleton סּ desmin סּ desmoplakin סּ ECM סּ intermediate filaments סּ intermediate-filament associated proteins סּ keratins סּ keratin diversity סּ lamins סּ lattice סּ microfilaments סּ microtubules סּ mitotic spindle סּ receptor control סּ spindle סּ tensegrity סּ tubulin סּ
סּסּ vesicles סּ endosomes סּ exosome סּ lysosome סּ peroxisome סּ proteasome סּ vacuole סּ vesicle סּ
Џ beautiful Flash 8 animation - Inner Life of the Cell, which shows cellular structure and function, and Interpretation: Inner Life of the Cell Џ
סּסּ adhesion סּ adhesion ~ adhesion molecules ~ cadherins סּ catenins סּ cytoskeleton סּ desmosomes ~ immunoglobulins ~ integrins סּ microtubules ~ selectins סּ
סּסּ membranes סּ cell membranes סּ ion channels סּ plasma membrane סּ
סּסּ nucleus סּ lamins סּ nuclear membrane סּ nuclear pore סּ nucleolus סּ nucleus סּ
סּסּ organelles סּ centrioles סּ chloroplasts סּ cilia סּ endoplasmic reticulum סּ Golgi apparatus סּ mitochondrion סּ plastids סּ ribosomes סּ
סּסּ skeleton סּ actin סּ cadherins סּ catenins סּ cytoskeleton סּ desmin סּ desmoplakin סּ ECM סּ intermediate filaments סּ intermediate-filament associated proteins סּ keratins סּ keratin diversity סּ lamins סּ lattice סּ microfilaments סּ microtubules סּ mitotic spindle סּ receptor control סּ spindle סּ tensegrity סּ tubulin סּ
סּסּ vesicles סּ endosomes סּ exosome סּ lysosome סּ peroxisome סּ proteasome סּ vacuole סּ vesicle סּ
Џ beautiful Flash 8 animation - Inner Life of the Cell, which shows cellular structure and function, and Interpretation: Inner Life of the Cell Џ